Repair or replace your cracked glass digitizer or broken lcd screen.
Repair or replace your iphone broken front camera.
Repair or replace your iphone power / side button.
Battery draining fast? replace your iphone internal battery.
Repair or replace your iphone broken home button.
Repair or replace your iphone broken back camera.
Repair or replace your iphone broken volume button.
Repair or replace your iphone malfunctioning loud speaker.
Repair or replace your iphone damaged earpiece speaker.
Repair or replace your iphone proximity sensor.
Phone not charging? Repair or replace your iphone charging port.
Images only visible under flashlight? iPhone half dim screen or no back light repair.
No power / Not turning on? (power management ic) repair.
No service with active sim inserted? iPhone not reading sim repair.
iPhone Baseband short circuit failure repair.
Remove logic board and replace with a new motherboard.
Diagnose and repair any broken components on the original board.
Remove the ic chip, do proper jumpers and replace with new IC.