Mac Pro Repair
13-inch White & Black Macbook LCD Replacement
$299.99We price match
6 months warranty*
Same day repair*
Quality parts
Pickup & delivery service available
Model: A1181
The previous generation Macbook (non-unibody) comes in black or white with a 13.3 inch glossy screen. It has “Macbook” written underneath the screen and has a magnetic locking mechanism when the screen is closed. It has a square iSight hole and a removable battery on the bottom (with a coin-turn key slot).
Mac Pro Repair
13-inch White/Black Polycarbonate Macbook LCD Replacement
$349.99We price match
6 months warranty*
Same day repair*
Quality parts
Pickup & delivery service available
Model: A1342 – The last generation Macbook comes in white with a 13.3 inch glossy screen. It has the single click button multitouch trackpad, a circular iSight camera, and a grey rubber bottom. It has “Macbook” written underneath the screen and has a magnetic locking mechanism when the screen is closed.
Apple MacBook Repair Services, Computer Repair, Mac Pro Repair
Silver 13-inch Macbook Unibody Glass and LCD Replacement
$399.99We price match
6 months warranty*
Same day repair*
Quality parts
Pickup & delivery service available
Model: A1278 – 13-inch silver Unibody Macbook comes with a 13.3-inch glossy screen and says Macbook on the bottom of the protective glass that covers the LCD. It has a black glass bezel surrounding the screen and black keys.
Mac Pro Repair
Silver 13-inch Macbook Unibody Glass Replacement
$299.99We price match
6 months warranty*
Same day repair*
Quality parts
Pickup & delivery service available
Model: A1278 – 13-inch silver Unibody Macbook comes with a 13.3-inch glossy screen and says Macbook on the bottom of the protective glass that covers the LCD. It has a black glass bezel surrounding the screen and black keys.
Mac Pro Repair
Silver 13-inch Macbook Unibody LCD Replacement
$349.99We price match
6 months warranty*
Same day repair*
Quality parts
Pickup & delivery service available
Model: A1278 – 13-inch silver Unibody Macbook comes with a 13.3-inch glossy screen and says Macbook on the bottom of the protective glass that covers the LCD. It has a black glass bezel surrounding the screen and black keys.